A Small Step by Agnisetu is a Giant Step for Humanity

A Small Step by Agnisetu is a Giant Step for Humanity


By Abul Kasem


October 4, 2008


I offer heartiest felicitations to Agnisetu for its effort to alert humanity about the danger of religious bigotry. Today, the entire world is facing dark forces that is bent on annihilating the civilized world, and replace it with an ideology that is inhuman, barbaric, and imperialistic. The victims of such a savage doctrine, which is religion‑driven, are innocent people of all color, nationality, race, and gender. Sadly, most people still consider religion to be the harbinger of peace, morality, and salvation. Nothing can be further from the truth: as pointed out by Agnisetu in its foreword that in the entire history of mankind religious bigotry has claimed more lives than all wars combined. It is a very dangerous picture: the more the world turns to religion to seek peace, harmony, and unity, the more the mankind gets divided. We may say, a world free of religion, is a world filled with humanity. Is it possible, one day, to achieve such a world?


According to Agnisetu, it is promising—when we expose the inhumanity of religion, and seek to establish a bridge which will unite mankind through accurate dissemination of information on religion and its horrors perpetrated on humanity in propagating faith, irrationality, illogic, and pure hate. The spreading of hatred of one religion for the followers of other religions is the root cause of the malice of humanity. Once we banish this curse, we may have a world where humanity lives in peace, love, harmony, and happiness.


It takes an intrepid Agnisetu to seek its goal that is fraught with danger, intimidation, persecution and terror. It will not be an easy task ahead—because the vast majority of people are still intoxicated with the drug of religion.


By creating this blog Agnisetu has set an example of how a single person's humble effort might augment in humanity's progress. Hopefully, many bloggers in Bangladesh will emulate Agnisetu.


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